Title of the thinnest Android smartphone in the world has now changed. Having previously been in the hands of Oppo Finder which has a thickness of 6.65 millimeters, are now turning to Vivo X1. This mobile phone has a size thinner than the Oppo Finder, 6:55 to be exact millimeter.
Producers had already formally introduce this phone for the Chinese market. Besides having a very slim size,
this phone comes with a screen measuring 4.7 inches HD. On the inside, there is a dual core processor MTK6577.
To support the performance of the processor, 1GB of RAM there. Unfortunately, the internal memory of the phone is not too big, just 4GB. At the rear, there is an 8MP camera and front camera that can be enabled for video call.
Furthermore, the phone is launched using Jelly Bean Android OS 4.1. The producers had already begun to provide serv pre order for this phone. Unfortunately, there is no information on whether the super-thin mobile phones can be found in other countries or not.
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