Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak commented on Apple's iTunesapplication. He questioned, if Apple could make iTunes can be used Windows, why not do the same on Android.
Quoted from Cnet, Thursday (10/04/2012), the comments made by Wozniak in a Q & A on the website Slashdot. Though he built together Apple Steve Jobs, Woz tend to be neutral on technology. He enjoys a
variety of devices made by other companies or competitors.
"If you remember, we've ported iTunes to Windows. We handle 100 percent of the world market with this integrated system (iPod / iTunes) and start the era of Apple as we know it today. So why do we not do the porting to Android? I love the product Apple and iTunes, as well as can be expected in my Android products as well, "said Woz.
Mr. Cashmere also regretted the patent disputes. The reason, he believes the dispute actually disturbing feature innovations in technology products.
"I hope that, in addition to a patent lawsuit as now, Apple can sit down and do a cross-licensing (cross-licensing) with other players," he explained.
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