Nokia has just introduced the Nokia 114 which appeared in Nokia India. Nokia 114 is very similar to the Nokia 109, with 65K color screen with a resolution of 128 x 160px in size only 1.8 inch screen. The main difference of the Nokia 109, Nokia 114 features DUAL SIM.
Besides Nokia 114 has a VGA camera with video recording QCIF resolution kemamuan and there is also
Bluetooth 2.1 connectivity.
Nokia 114 runs on GPRS / EDGE, has a battery capacity of 102mAh, equipped MP3/MP player, FM radio, JAVA, and microSD slot up to 32GB.
Nokia 114 runs on the S40 platform and features Nokia Xpress Browser saving bandwidth.
Although we do not know the exact price now but it has been ascertained phone quite cheap price categories roughly in the range of 500 thousand dollars for the Nokia 109 is priced price 42 USD (price before tax)
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