Mobile processor from Qualcomm officially became the world's most popular processor. The processor controls the market of smartphones and tablets with the percentage reached 48 percent which has a value equivalent to 5 billion USD in the first half year period in 2012.
Compared with revenue last year, Qualcomm earn approximately 60 percent increase in revenue. It is of
course quite encouraging, terletbih today some high end Android phones use Qualcomm processor.
Of the many choices, MSM8960 Snapdragon processor series are often found at high-end cell phone, such as the Motorola RAZR M, RAZR MAXX HD, HTC One XL, HTC EVO 4G LTE, or some mobile phones such as the HTC Windows Phone 8 8X, Lumia 920 and Lumia 820.
This is of course a challenge for Intel is a new player on the market of mobile processors. Intel was recently introduced new Android phones that use proprietary processor, the Motorola RAZR i.
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