Google Chrome
For those of you who like to use the Google Chrome browser, you can install the Auto Refresh Plus extension which can be downloaded on the App Store. Using this extension, you can set the refresh time
interval. Besides can be used to refresh the page, you can also stop the service from this extension when you do not need it.
Mozilla Firefox
For Firefox, you can download and install the add-on called Auto Refresh. Once installed, you just restart your browser and refresh the browser to select a range bagion option. This add-on allows you to run the auto refresh on a particular page or all the tabs open.
If in Google Chrome and Firefox you need to download an additional application, it is not the case with Opera. This one feature is available by default in the browser on this one. You just right click and it will show the option Reload Every. There, you can choose a time frame that is provided or can also set it up yourself on the Custom option.
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