The new laptop is a premium laptop that has super specs. This laptop has an extra large screen, which is 17.3 inches. On the processor, this laptop comes with a i7 quad core processor 2.9 GHz.
But what makes this laptop special is the part of memory. For RAM, this laptop offers 32GB of DDR3 RAM. Not enough there, this laptop also provides the option of dual VGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 640M which each have 4GB of memory. For any laptop storage problem presents four storage drives.
For any laptop the battery capacity does not want to miss the 8 cell battery hers. However, the specification of the 'heavy', this laptop has a size and heavy weight, ie, the thickness reaches 49.7 mm and weighs 3.5 kg.
Regarding the price, this laptop certainly gives an expensive price tag. For the cheapest version of Scorpio, you have to pay for $ 1,793 USD. Meanwhile, if you want to try a laptop with dual VGA, you have to pay for $ 2,857 USD.
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nice article..