Along with the Sony Xperia V, Sony Mobile has launched a total of four new devices. Four electronic device is the Sony Xperia V, Sony Xperia J, Xperia Sony Tablet S and the last one is the Sony Xperia T.
Sony Xperia T comes with a screen measuring 4.6 inch Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine fitted. The advantages of this phone lies in the 13MP camera embedded in the rear. The camera is also able to take a picture of the state of sleep mode in just 1 second. The camera is also capable of recording full HD 1080p video.
For the processor, Sony Mobile seems still not keen to release quad-core phone. Sony Xperia T even this still offers a dual core 1.5GHz processor. For the operating system, this phone comes with OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4.
Regarding availability, hp it will be found on the market in September. The Sony also provides a 60-day trial Sony Entertainment Network which is a streaming digital music from Sony. Regarding the price, Sony Mobile is still not announced.
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